July 15
The latest version of the AdsML Framework 3.5, release 2, was approved June 30 by the AdsML Consortium following a two month review and voting period. It is available at www.adsml.org. AdsML members and interested parties are encouraged to download the release and begin using it.
AdsML Framework 3.5 has been in development for the past two years and represents a considerable advance over Framework 3.0. New and enhanced features include:
- The Framework now provides dedicated support for interactive advertisements across the entire AdsML lifecycle.
- A new specification, AdsML Media Pack, provides message formats for the exchange of rate cards and technical specifications.
- AdsML Materials now supports the transmission of advertisement components in addition to completed artwork.
- The entire Framework now provides support for multilingual textual metadata, meaning that instructions and descriptions can be conveyed in more than one language.
- Expanded set of Ad Codes.
This is the second release of Framework 3.5; an earlier version was made available for public review last June. Release 2 is fully compatible with Release 1 and builds on its capabilities. However, implementers should be aware that Framework 3.5 as a whole is not backwards compatible with Framework 3.0.